Friday, August 12, 2011

Nothing I Hate More...

Than a volcano blowing smokes rings at me. That is the height of geological smugness. Like he is just sitting there knowing that he can erupt and cause shit whenever the damn well he felt like doing that. He'll get to me and my concerns over having my village burned out when he is down with his smoke. FUCK YOU MOUNT ETNA!

Sicilian active volcano Mount Etna blows a smoke ring. This is a rare occurrence which has only been documented in 1970 and 2000. This was filmed in 2000.


Pat Tillett said...

Darn, I thought Etna had given up smoking...

Tempo said...

I've seen this one...on the other hand, I had this girlfriend who, maybe not!

Kelly Sedinger said...

Did the volcano next to it then blow smoke in the shape of a sailing ship, and then blow it through the first volcano's ring?