Friday, April 8, 2011

"Miyagi Have Hope For You"

Jon Stewart did a hilarious send-up of Glen Beck's goofy conspiracy professor shtick last night on 'The Daily Show'. For the better part of the last three years we have had to watch Beck as both rodeo clown and twisted ringmaster of lunacy. Never did someone work so hard to sell his bullshit balloon juice in service of his evil masters at Fox (or Faux) News.

I don't there is anyone left that doesn't see that 'news network' as anything more than a propaganda arm of the conservative agenda in American politics. You can turn that channel on anytime of the day and see the spin and lies that they pump on in favour of only one side in the debate. It's a joke that they ever call themselves 'fair and balance'. How do they claim to be 'looking out for you' with a straight face?

The truth is that FINALLY people in America have become aware of how they have been manipulated by not only this fake media apparatus but by he so-called 'mainstream' media. Stories of how those in power (politicians, corporations) have been colluding and scheming to make the rich richer and the poor poorer never get told. Bullshit 'news' about celebrities and their failings drown out he important truths. It's all 'bread and circuses'.

How can a corporation like G.E. make billions in profits (plus additional 'insensitive payments' from government) but pay no taxes especially in an age where governments are going broke. How do millionaires get tax breaks? How do insurance companies and banks pay massive bonuses to their C.E.Os while people lose their homes (after being cheated by the banks in the first place) or have their medical coverage taken away right when they need it the most? How does an oil company, that was responsible for the dumping of over 700 million barrel of oil into the Gulf of Mexico claim that this was their 'best safety year ever'?

You may not think all of this is connected to Glen Beck losing is TV show but it is. The American people seem to be moving away from his brand of rhetoric and the loony ideas of the 'Tea Party' in droves. The media still follows this group and calls them a 'grassroots movement' despite the fact that at a recent protest in Washington D.C., the reporters outnumbered the protesters.

Beck has lost half his audience from his high numbers and 30o of his advertisers have jumped ship. His crap is no longer financially viable. Despite how powerful a tool of the right wing agenda he might have been, he is no longer cost effective. If anyone running Fox News truly believed in what they were selling they would take a loss while supporting Beck's message.

As it is, their true colors have been revealed in a way that people can no longer ignore or rationalize. Like the death of the evangelical movement in the 90s, the right wing hate monger (racist 'tea baggers' and 'birthers') movement is giving away to more practical sensibilities.

Not everyone hates gays and wants the poor to be thrown off social assistance. Not all conservatives support insurance companies or are willing to vote against their best interests any longer. We have seen in places like Wisconsin that so called 'ordinary' workers are willing to push back against any government that tries to endanger what is left of the 'American Dream'.

Maybe the world is turning a corner towards a brighter future for us all.

And THAT is why Miyagi have hope for you.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree, Cal. Where's Lenin Cat when you need him?

Kal said...

I have Lenin Cat hidden in an abandoned missile silo and I will release him when the economy gets better.