Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Seven Giants

"In the northern Urals, where these leave behind vegetation to become velvety hills that blend into the horizon, seven giants majestically rise. Seven stone colossi that, in the middle of nowhere, seem to have made a stop in their journey to contemplate the scenery from the top of a high plateau. With heights varying from 30 to 42 meters, these seven moais, that nature has molded during more than 200 million years, form one of the most impressive and magic geological legacies on the planet." Read more about these formations by following the link below.



Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I love stuff like that. Thanks for posting it.

Wings1295 said...

Very cool indeed. Wonder if some peeps 'see' people in these. They see things in toast, why not, right? :)