Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Appraisal of GI Joe - The Rise of Cobra

I have to be totally honest with everyone and I know this will reduce or eliminate entirely any credibility I may have built up with you over the past number of months but I really ENJOYED 'GI Joe - The Rise of Cobra'. Granted, I went in only with use of that part of my brain that remembers what it was like to be ten years old when ninjas, and explosions and gorgeous brunettes in tight leather were the greatest things I could imagine. For that reason I give this movie a full pass. Seeing in on a Saturday afternoon with a hot dog and popcorn and a large Pepsi just made it all the better. All the kids around me squealed and screamed at the right times and the last hour or so had more boom boom and zip bang than I had any reason to expect. so poop on anyone who goes all highbrow on me and tells me all the reasons I should not have liked this movie. I just feel sorry for you. Go watch yourself some more crappy Transformers and talk to my hand...bitches.


Doc Atomic said...

I fully expected this movie to suck, and I fully expected to hate it. And yes, it did suck. I honestly found myself cringing every couple minutes. My friends and I couldn't stop complaining about it when we walked out of the theater. But... and here's the strange bit... at the same time, we kept interrupting ourselves to say, "But amazingly, I really did enjoy myself!"

It's the exact opposite feeling I had when I saw Transformers, which both sucked and filled me with a deep, unshakable rage. That was a film whose myriad sins were unacceptable and unforgivable. They were affronts to taste, to style, to judgement, and to the very principles of physics that allow us to shoot light through film and onto a big screen for a couple hours' worth of enjoyment. I think the takeaway here is that I really, really didn't like Transformers.

But G.I. Joe? I'm amazed that I'm saying it, but I had a lot of fun. I think I'll even see a sequel.

Um... Yo, Joe?

Dan said...

Well said Calvin!