Thursday, August 20, 2009

I SO Hate When People Do This

If you mess with my fan and it breaks then you are going to have to go out and get me another one before my bedtime. I provide you with all manner of amusements when you are over to my place. Choose something else to play with. I am only giving you this ONE warning. I don't care if your feelings are hurt. Its my FAN! I don't let you just play with my kidneys do I? No. Cause if you break them then I will be in a world of hurt. Its the same thing with my fan. If you want to get all 'clicky clicky' then go get your own fan and take it to your place. I am upset now that you made this an issue between us. It shows your total lack of consideration for my feelings. I thought you had better fan 'etiquette'. What is WRONG with you? I think you need to leave now. I will talk to you in a couple of days.

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